1. Analysis

We, you and I, carefully analyse the overall situation, dissect it, and then peel out exactly the problem areas, thus identifying the core of the challenge and then naming it clearly. This also includes the clear elaboration and naming of one's own interests and those of the other party.


From the result of this analysis, we find the key factors for influencing what is happening and develop a strategy for further action.

3. Strategy

The knowledge gained from the previous steps thus forms the decisive basis for the development of the action and negotiation strategy.


Only now, with the help of a comprehensive toolbox, are guidelines for further action and negotiation being developed.


Based on this guideline, we develop the individual tactical steps and measures to operate the identified key factors. This results in precise action steps that can be applied practically. Now the entire negotiation tableau is drawn up. Now it is also decided in which composition one's own negotiating team will be set up, and also whether I will participate in the negotiations or accompany the negotiations from the background as a so-called ghost negotiator. It is also decided now what measures, if any, need to be taken around the negotiation situation.


These steps are accompanied by continuous evaluation and control of the strategy and of the tactical action steps to ensure that the defined interests are pursued in the best possible way at all times.